Tuesday, August 28, 2007

International Day of Prayer for Peace update / NOTE: organizer call August 29, 2007

Dear friends, sisters, brothers,

1) Want to get inspired?  Review the brief updates below from congregations and communities around the country about what they are doing as part of the International Day of Prayer for Peace this September 21!  More than 50 have now signed up.  You can see more about the campaign here:

2) If you are organizing in your own community, or are considering getting involved, you are invited to join a conference call tomorrow, Weds, August 29, at 1:00pm Eastern/10am Pacific. Dial in by calling 1-712-432-2600, access code 16548.   You can find a description of the call here:

3) After reading the updates below, MAYBE you will choose to plan a public prayer service in YOUR community for this September 21.  If you would like to explore this, contact Mimi Copp, miminski@gmail.com, 260-479-5087.  She can send you a resource packet to get your planning started.


Matt Guynn
coordinator of peace witness

International Day of Prayer for Peace

Want to get inspired?

Curious to find out what others are planning?

Read on to get a glimpse of how people from over 50 Church of the Brethren congregations and colleges are going to be praying for peace on September 21….

Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren, Fort Wayne, IN
"We have folks in our peace group who will be in Toronto for the Christian Peacemaker Teams Congress, so we decided to join the peace group at St. Francis University, Just Peace, in their peace prayer plans, and they have welcomed us."  Also on Sun, Sept. 16th "having a time of prayer for international peace and consecration of 1) representatives from our church who are going on a delegation to our Sister Church in Nicaragua September 18-24, 2) delegates from our church who are attending the Christian Peacemaker Teams Peacemaker Congress in Montreal September 20-23, and 3) a young adult starting BVS Orientation on Sept. 23. We thought it was appropriate that we were not only praying for peace at this time, but working here and internationally in different ways for peace."

Beaver Dam Church of the Brethren, Union Bridge, MD
"The kids at Beaver Dam COB in Union Bridge have decided to pray for Peace on the 21st of September in conjunction with On Earth Pizza."  (Meeting at a pizza place.)

Blue Ball Church of the Brethren, PA
Planning a candlelight peace/prayer walk in Blue Ball on the evening of Sept. 21.  "We have chosen to invite neighboring churches to participate this year. Since this is our first year to participate we will plan the program and possibly, hopefully interact with other congregations in planning future IDOPP events."

Bremen Church of the Brethren, IN
Part of an international, inter-faith prayer service (which includes pinwheels for peace) organized by the Center for Peace and Nonviolence in South Bend; also having a prayer service for the Bremen congregation and community, meeting at the Peace Pole to hear prayers for peace in different languages, on Sunday, September 23

Brethren Witness-Washington Office
BW-WO is hosting a delegation through World Council of Churches of people from 5 different continents, taking them around east coast, including a stop in Amish county; will end up in NYC on that Friday to be part of the UN's service of prayer for peace.

Bridgewater Church of the Brethren, VA
A potluck and sing-along is planned for Sept. 23.  They are reaching out to the Russian Baptist church to be a part of the gathering.

Columbia City Church of the Brethren, IN
"We will be holding two identical Bible Studies/prayer meetings on September 21, one at 1:00 and the other at 7:00.  We are hoping that offering this twice in the same day will allow older adults as well as working adults and school children to attend.  The intent of the Bible Study is to share some of what scripture says about war and peace.  We will conclude our study with an extended prayer time."

Daleville Church of the Brethren, VA
Presenting the idea of installing a peace pole an the congregation's property; possible prayer service centered around installation of pole; also Fri. Sept. 21 dinner and candle light service; maybe start the Prayer chain on Friday, Sunday have a reflective service

Everett Church of the Brethren, PA
Friday Sept. 21 from 5-6 pm people can drop in at the church building for homemade soup and bread and to fellowship and prayer with others.

Flint Church of the Brethren, MI
Two hour joint prayer service on evening of Friday Sept. 21 with African-American congregation that shares the building; Sunday rededicating the peace pole

Freeport Church of the Brethren, IL
Participating in Pinwheels for Peace

Hagerstown Church of the Brethren, MD
Is holding a prayer vigil at noon in their sanctuary

Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren, PA
The congregation is part of a group of churches who have regular prayer vigils to speak to the violence in their community.   They are seeing about connecting those vigils w/ a vigil for the IDOPP.

Lancaster Church of the Brethren, PA
"The Youth will be asked to make their own peace collage during Sunday School on the Sunday before the 21st.  Then on Sept. 21, we will have a prayer service with the collages as our focus."

Lansing Church of the Brethren, MI
"We will have an international potluck at 6:30 p.m. in our church building and at 7:30 will gather around the peace pole in our church yard for a candlelight prayer service which will include prayers and songs for peace in a variety of languages. We are inviting the congregation which shares our building, the Mennonite congregation in town, and other peace folks we know through our local Peace Education Center. We will put signs in the church yard announcing the service. We are located on a busy street in our city."

Lower Miami Church of the Brethren, Dayton, OH
Planning to have an "all day prayer vigil at the church ending with a prayer service in the evening. We will be inviting our neighbor churches to participate."

Mack Memorial Church of the Brethren, Dayton, OH
Plans are in the works for both a 13 hr prayer vigil and a community service on the 21st; excited to be part of the praying community joining together on this event.

Manassas Church of the Brethren, VA
Interfaith candlelight vigil at peace pole at the intersection of the symbolic Grant and Lee Blvd; Each tradition or denomination represented will be invited to share a reading from sacred scripture and a prayer for peace.

McPherson College, KS
The college will have some type of a Public program at the college where the entire campus community will be invited.

Mechanicsburg Church of the Brethren, PA
Hoping to have an ecumenical prayer service around peace pole on Sept. 21

Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, PA
Will hold a candle light prayer circle of peace on Sunday, Sept. 23

Middlebury Church of the Brethren, IN
Part of an ecumenical prayer event where individual congregations will meet at their churches, walk to the town park, then gather together by candlelight for a speaker, songs, and prayers.

Midland Church of the Brethren, MI
Reflective time with open prayer, guided prayer & singing; luminaries to guide people to the peace pole outside of the church; Sunday share Friday's experience with the whole congregation

Modesto Church of the Brethren, CA
Friday night joint prayer service for whoever wants to join in; Pastor is reaching out to other congregations to join in, showing a film on the beginnings of the International Day of Prayer for Peace

Monroeville Church of the Brethren, PA
Planning a Friday evening service, w/ a vigil starting in the afternoon, hoping to be interfaith, wanting to connect with Byzantine Catholic and Lutheran churches near by; Peace emphasis on Sunday

Morgantown Church of the Brethren, WV
"Morgantown Ministerial Association, initiated by MCOB, will be having a Sukkot Shalom/IDPP event on September 29th, meeting at the Tree of Life Synagogue for a meal and event following." 

Mt. Wilson Church of the Brethren, PA
Congregation is organizing an 18 hour congregational prayer intensive.  Members of the congregation will sign up for periods of prayer beginning at 6 a.m. and going until midnight

Oakton Church of the Brethren, Vienna, VA
Short service at 2 pm on Sun, Sept. 23; followed by going out to peace pole; contacting other Churches and Muslim leaders to participate

Peace Covenant Fellowship, Durham, NC
"We are working with Durham Congregations in Action and Durham Mennonite Church for a cooperative effort down here in Durham!!"
Pleasant Hill Church of the Brethren, OH
Showing a peace related video leading up to Sept. 21 that will be geared towards Youth & will then tie it in to a prayer service that weekend

Quinter Church of the Brethren, KS
"A Sunday school class at our church is planning to do some sort of community effort to recognize national day of prayer for peace."

Richmond Church of the Brethren, IN
The idea is being presented the Youth to see if they want to be a part of the effort.

San Diego Church of the Brethren, CA
Starting Fri Sept. 21, 24 hour prayer vigil; inviting interfaith community to sign up; Fri. evening service hosted by historic peace churches- Mennonites, Quakers and Brethren- w/ prayer, music, candle light; setting up a telephone tag system for vigil, when you finish your time in the vigil you call the next person signed up; Inviting other groups to participate- Communities of Conscience, ecumenical & interfaith groups; Sat. Sept. 22 encouraging their kids to participate in Peace walk sponsored by Americans for Dept for Peace & Kids for Peace; conclude vigil w/Spaghetti Cook-off/Pasta for Peace w/ 10-15 min. peace service; Sun Sept. 23 peace focus during Sunday school and worship service

Skippack Church of the Brethren, Philadelphia, PA
The congregation is installing a peace pole on Sept. 21 and centering a prayer service around it

South Bend, IN Community, including Church of the Brethren members
Month long roster of activities, starting with labor day weekend – "Arlington Tombstones" display with be up in South Bend (like the American Friends Service Committee Army Boots display); activities end Sept. 30 w/ a walk where children in various schools doing pinwheels for peace project will participate; There is a community-wide committee, World Peace Day Committee, planning for IDOPP including  Mamas Against Violence, Cease Fire, a police violence reduction program, a religious group coalition, a representative from an Islamic association,  a rep from the Mayor's office, a rep from a Black radio station.  They're talking w/ the South Bend Tribune to see how the month can be promoted
Springfield First Church of the Brethren, IL
Co-sponsoring an interfaith worship event on Thursday evening, Sept. 20th, a Rally for Peace on Friday, Sept. 21 at the Illinois State Capitol and hosting a 7am prayer service at their peace pole where they will invite the community to come and offer prayers for peace on their way to work or school.  This is their 3rd year observing IDOPP.

Una Nueva Vida en Cristo, Floyd, VA
"Planning bible study and prayer about the importance of peace in our world and our responsibility as Christians to achieve peace"

West Bend, WI
"Peace Seekers of Washington County will be dedicating a Peace Pole on Saturday, September 22nd at 2 PM at the Labyrinth Garden near the North Main Street entrance to Regner Park, West Bend, WI. We will also be observing the International Day of Prayer For Peace. The public is welcome to attend. (Parking in the lot on the east side of N. Main St.) For further information please call 262-334-2234.  Also we will be requesting the Mayor of West Bend to Issue a proclamation concerning the International Day of Prayer For Peace.

Westminster Church of the Brethren, MD
The congregation will be participating in an Interfaith potluck on Sept. 20th.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

International Day of Prayer for Peace -- Sept 21, 2007

Pray about violence, pray for peace

The International Day of Prayer for Peace takes place on September 21, 2007.  Will your raise up your concerns about violence by planning a prayer event for that day or that week?  The International Day of Prayer for Peace is an initiative of the World Council of Churches, scheduled to coincide with the United Nations' International Day of Peace.
As of mid-August, 34 Church of the Brethren congregations have signed up, and 57 more are considering sponsoring events that week.  Participants include Church of the Brethren congregations in the U.S. including Puerto Rico.  We are also very excited to learn that our sisters and brothers in the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria, Ekklesiar Yan'uwa a Nigeria, are planning to participate! 
September 21 has been declared a day for peace by both the World Council of Churches and the United Nations.  Each year, more individuals, groups, churches and communities throughout the world are recognizing the significance of committing to One Day of Peace through prayer, meditation and other forms of spiritual observance. 
On Earth Peace and the Brethren Witness/Washington Office of the Church of the Brethren jointly call on all of our congregations to plan public prayer events on or near September 21. 
The International Day of Prayer for Peace can be a time to proactively reach out to brothers and sisters in your local community, a time for conversation and collaboration about how to reduce violence and build peace in your community.
We ask you to use this prayer event to lift up concerns about violence and to pray for alternative visions from God. It can be a time for God�s powerful presence to be sought, in order to find creative and spiritually centered paths ahead.
Will your congregation participate?
To get involved, contact Mimi Copp at 260-479-5087 or miminski@gmail.com

For resources and a list of participating congregations, please visit